The quotes come fast and furious in this article but the common theme is that it is up to the players to right the ship. In the short-term that is true. In the long-term more drastic action is needed. The pre-game trash talk from the blue, white and red crew was strangely subdued but that's just a function of seeing another hot start go down the drains just like most observers (read: me too) said it would.

Paul Hunter has the injury report and no suprise there are Leafs injured:

As for the line-up, Toronto winger Jiri Tlusty won't play with a leg injury while Alexei Ponikarovsky will be a game time decision also with on-going leg cramps, though Maurice said he was leaning towards the big winger not playing. Winger Chad Kilger will be back in after missing four games with a sprained ankle.

But remember, players being injured has no bearing on the team's performance. It in no way hampers the development of chemistry or keeps a coach from being able to use his preferred lines.

Remember to put your guesses for who will score take the first shot, get the first penalty, and score the first goal in the comments. I'll keep a running tally of the results in the right sidebar. We've doubled the number of participants but no one has been able to rack up many points so join in now before everyone's guessing abilities improve. Join now to get some practice because I'm thinking of having a competition for a prize after the all-star break with wonderful prizes.

As always, the comment section is a wonderful place to vent and rage between periods or make hopeful predictions that you can tout in the future if they happen to come to pass. Each period and overtime/shootout gets their own section so just reply to the relevant section's main post and as much as it hurts try to refrain from swearing despite Herpes' best efforts to make you turn the air blue. All you need to get started is to set up an account to comment so register and share your thoughts.