As you can imagine, not much was written about the Leafs last night. Even in Toronto I guess there has to be a point when writers switch off a bit. Instead of 15 articles a day in The Star we're down to three. The dalliance with the Capitals was fun but ultimately short-lived and painful but it detracted from some of what I wanted to do over the off-season. I'll be doing player evaluations and looking at the results over the past few years in the coming weeks as well as some draft information.

It's a light day today but here are some articles to read and the comments are a good place to chat about how the Flyers got robbed and why the Avalanche would start a goalie suffering from the flu.

James Mirtle has the lineups for the North American World Championship squads. Weird, no Matt Stajan for Canada.
James also looks at the Behind The Net numbers for the players still in the playoffs. Check out the defensive liabilities for proof that Andrei Markov is horrifically overrated.
Joe Pelletier profiles Charlie Conacher. He was Wendel before Wendel was Wendel. That says a lot. Not many Leafs like him lately.
Chris Zelkovich has a good article looking at the future of LeafsTV and RaptorsTV. Also, check out the rating for the playoffs and forward them to your Montreal, ottawa, and Calgary fan friends that still complain about the Leafs being on HNiC so often. Money talks ladies.
William Houston recaps Coach's Corner. I can only imagine the number of e-mails that CBC got about Cherry's anti-Montreal comments. Idiots.