A scant two days was all it took to recover from the longest road trip of my life to see a sporting event. And you know what? I am going to do it again in May and maybe even twice in four days. If the ACC had fans this loud it would become a fortress for the Leafs instead of doubling as a morgue. Anyway, it's the last week of the regular season and then we get to settle into what's become the annual routine for the past three Springs - cheer for our rivals' failure. It can be stressful, especially when one makes it to the Final, but it's enjoyable as well. Not as good as the playoffs but not as nerve-wracking. Obviously, I'd prefer frazzled nerves from watching my team play but this is the hand we've been dealt this year.

As always, here's some stuff to read before tonight's game:

  • The Omen writes a good article. Is that an elaborate April Fool's joke by myself or The Star or Damien? Make your guesses in the comments.
    PhillipsPerspective digs into his Francophone roots and wonders what the hell is going on in Quebec?
    LFIV presents installments two and three of his guides to the post-season. At the rate that the sens are going he might be able to skip that one.
    Sean is back making me cry myself to sleep. I would hate for Mats to retire because then I might have to hate him.
    Jason has some issues with the way that the post-lockout years have gone. It's definitely weird to talk about the good old days when they were just four years (and counting) ago.
    Eyebeleaf sees some hope in the play of Tlusty and Stralman. I used to say that I was cautiously optimistic but I've moved to cautiously hopeful of being optimistic at some point in the future.
    Greener transcribes the Richard Peddie interview. Word to the wise: don't show him a clear view of your neck. Peddie that is, not Greener. I don't know if he's a vampire.
    MF37 writes the exact post that must have been running through everyone's mind in Toronto after they read The Omen's weekend offering. Who is Damien's boss and how is he so negligent?/